What others are saying

Bob Clifford

Despite pre-match nerves (would I be the least athletic person ever to have had Swimtherapy lessons?) and work pressures getting in the way of my first lesson and then being ill for the next one, the three lessons I had with Rich proved to be a very positive, enjoyable and useful experience.

My swimming improved at least as much as I’d hoped it would and I think this proves that you can ‘teach an old dog new tricks’ and that anyone can improve and become a half-decent swimmer. For what it’s worth, an ordinary 46 year old –definitely not a triathlete – swam 450 metres in 9 minutes 55 seconds on 31st August and prior to lessons had achieved 9.45 by 31st October and 9.35 by 30th November. For fun, I was measuring myself against the US Navy Fitness Tests for 45 to 49 year olds which measures times for 500 yards (about the same distance). At the end of February after my first two lessons I managed 9.00 and after my third lesson I timed myself at the end of April and swam this distance in 8.46 – an ‘excellent’ time according to the charts. Not world class (!) I know, but a massive improvement for a basic fitness swimmer – previously a heavy smoker and all the rest.

I’d had some lessons at the local pool previously but they had made no difference. I had also tried more than once to find a decent swimming coach for a few lessons but had almost given up bothering when I stumbled across Swimtherapy. I almost couldn’t give my money away before, some coaches not even getting back to me. This was not the case with Swimtherapy. At no point did I get the impression that they were not interested in the ordinary improver and would encourage anyone wanting to enjoy their swimming more to invest in some of these sessions. I thought Rich was excellent and overall would strongly recommend Swimtherapy which I think is very well run.

Ben Hutchinson – Cheshunt SC 23rd April 2013

The reason why I decided to use SwimTherapy was to get Ben to work in high intensity training environment to improve his technique as I believe that teaching technique early is much easier than correcting bad habits later.

I am delighted to say that SwimTherpay have delivered above my expectation and more importantly Ben is very motivated and committed to working with the Swimtherapy team.

In my opinion for any swimmer who wants to develop to their full potential they must integrate SwimTherapy into their training schedule.

All the best

George Kurczij

Jakob Baker – Halesowen SC 22nd April 2013

I would like to comment on the technology and great coaching techniques that Swimtherapy have to offer, combined with a good patient coach it really can improve your swimming technique. Being able to see your stroke technique from above, side and below allows you to see every tiny error with your stroke therefore you can refine your technique just like finely tuning a performance car, after all every competitive swimmer is seeking performance in the pool else what is the point of putting all of that pool time in for !! It may seem quite expensive at first but once you start seeing the results it’s well worth it. My son is now only 12 years old and we have seen massive improvements obviously combined with his club training which is not to be missed out as this is where you put the practice in from what you have seen and learned, as perfect practice makes perfect. I have taken my son several times now and will continue to take him on regular intervals for as long as he swims competitively. I more than recommend the Swimthereapy sessions to any competitive swimmer. Please take note that if you book off peak times it does work out cheaper and once you are on their mailing list you do get offers sent which combined with off peak times can come as a bargain, but you have to be quick to book as the places go rather quickly, missed out on quite a few myself for being a bit slow to reply..

Regards Karl.

Adam Raynes – Nuneaton SC 16th April 2013

Thanks for a good session last Wednesday working on Adam’s breaststroke. He competed at Stockport on Sunday and swam a 1.2 second pb on his 100m breast. Given that he changed his stroke only a few days before, and hasn’t had much of a chance to practise it in training, he was pretty pleased. I’m sure there will be more to come when he’s had a chance to really work on it.

I have booked another session for him, on Wednesday 1st May, to have a better look at his freestyle. I’m sure you can make some improvements there too!

Many thanks, see you soon,

Ben Withers – Preston – Barracuda

I had heard about swim therapy from someone who had used it previously. I knew that my son needed help with his butterfly as he just hadn’t got it at all, his backstroke also needed some tweaking so I booked a session for the Easter holidays in the hope that swim therapy would help to improve these two strokes. I later spoke to my sons coach who said that we should concentrate on his best two strokes not his worst. I was a little confused at this point as I thought my son had a pretty good freestyle and breaststroke but decided to take the advice and let swim therapy look at these two strokes. I am so glad I did! I soon came to realise that although I thought his strokes were good I soon realised that there was much that could be done to improve them. It was amazing to be able to see underwater views of my sons stroke and to be able to discuss how we could improve his overall technique. The swim therapy team were great, they made my son feel at ease and constantly praised his efforts, by the time we left his strokes had already improved and we were well on the way to winning the next gala he was entered in I was sure. We left with a DVD of the session and a voice over so that we could continue working on making changes when we got back home. We plan to visit again in the next few months to look at his other two strokes once we have completely mastered the ideas already given to us. Thank you so much for what you have already done, the experience was fascinating and well worth it. Can’t wait to visit again.

Rhys Llewellyn – Cosacss Stoke on Trent

Thank you Richard for an excellent session on freestyle. There were so many issues to deal with we simply ran out of time but what a fantastic difference we have seen already. Everyone has commented on how much more streamline my son’s stroke looks in the water. A 13 second pb on a 400 free after one session just confirms what an amazing difference a visit to Swim Therapy can make. As the Terminator would say “We’ll be back” and soon.

Kind regards

The Llewellyn’s

Jake Elson Ilkeston SC

Hi Kate

I have been meaning to send a card / feedback through so thank you for reminding me.

Jake really enjoyed the session (with Rich?) and has watched the DVD several times. His coach also has the copy and is allowing Jake to work on the individual areas highlighted during training. The results from his session in terms of speed were immediate – swimming the freestyle relay 3 days later he knocked over 4 seconds off his 100m PB!

The improvements in his backstroke are visible to everyone and he can feel the difference – not only is he unlikely to get shoulder injuries anymore but feels confident that he can bring back what was once his best stroke. He has not had a chance to race it yet.

It is very likely we will be back for more sessions later this year!

Many thanks and please feel free to use these comments.

Paula Elson

Jim Haylett – Triathlete Sheffield

As a poor at swimming triathlete I found the session massively useful. I don’t go to masters sessions or anywhere that I can get someone to observe my stroke, so having someone video and analyse the bits I can’t see enabled me to understand what i need to change. I have previously gone to the pool and just ploughed up and down getting marginally faster, but probably due to getting fitter rather than better. I now have seen what I am doing wrong and more importantly with the expert advice during the session been able to do it right and know what it feels like to do it right. Before going, I actually thought i had an idea what was wrong with my stroke, which side was my weak side etc but the video analysis was a revelation identifying some things as poor that i thought were ok, and some things as ok that i thought were poor! This is the important benefit of a Swimtherapy session, just because something feels natural doesn’t mean it is right, and of course vice versa.

It has only been a few weeks since my session, but i can already tell the difference and am systematically addressing the many points raised in the session. I will be going back in a few months to make sure i am putting into practice what i learnt and get the next set of issues to be addressed.”


Jim (Do I get a discount next time for a glowing review!!!!!!)

ST Response – If we are as good as you say we are, we should be charging you more! Lol

Owen Harding – Swimmer Sutton in Ashfield SC

My 8 year son who is currently a club swimmer preparing for next years county championships really enjoyed his swim therapy session. The technical one to one coaching would be very difficult to beat and added to the endless club yardage that he does, he will be certainly better prepared now.
We thought that he had a strong butterfly due to achieving county times already for the age group two years above him yet he was soon shown what he needed to do to go even faster in a manner that was delivered constructively and at the right level.
My son enjoyed it so much that we did not hesitate in booking two further sessions, as the experience was invaluable and money defiantly well spent.
This is is a must for any club swimmer that wants to go faster and improve their technique no matter what their level is.

Hope that helps
Darren Harding

Claudia Chapman – Sedgefield 75 SC

the two hour session for my 11 year old daughter fit her needs and criteria 100%. my daughter has learning problems with verbal commands and concentration, which is a real problem for her at her local swimming club and in life in general. richard was patient, clear and precise in what he observed and in what he wanted from my daughter. with richard being youngish my daughter could relate to him much better than she can with her current coach. there was never an overload of information throughout the two hour period, which is fantastic for any swimmer. it was all done in incremental steps. only moving on when that particular movement was achieved. the enviroment and one to one coaching like i said earlier suited my daughters needs, no distractions and as a result she thoroughly enjoyed it. which is what it is all about!!! although there is no initial improvement in times as yet on her freestyle, she already looks so much more comfortable, so in time i have no doubt her times will fall. i couldnt find critisism, but my daughter could. she said that at times she became cold as the water was quite cold, but it was a particularly cold day with snow and ice of which no one has any control of. as a sports scientist cold does affect concentration. food for thought may be. to sum it up, Excellent coaching in an Excellent environment. thanks julian

ST Response – Water temp 30.5 degrees, air temp (in pool area) 31 degrees….though freezing outside, so there may have been a draught….we will look into it.

Emma Priestley – Solihull SC 5th April 2013


Emma certainly has enjoyed her sessions and if it helps here are our comments.

What a great facility. To be able to see your strokes from 4 different perspectives and receive expert evaluation from the coaches is fantastic. The drills were well explained and the DVD left us in no doubt as to the areas that Emma needs to work on. Since her first session her times in the free style have dramatically improved and she is keen to see how the recent session will have affected her performance for the other strokes!



Douglas Fraser – Triathlete

• 1 year ago I swam 1500m in record time of 46 min. Tonight after working 8.30am to 7pm and feeling shattered 34 mins
• 1yr ago 23 or 24 strokes per length. Now started with 18 up to 20/21 and then 23/24 before a big last 6 effort for 21 need to get fitter

So in the course of 1 year I have improved by 12 minutes for a swim of 1500metres. Wow. Quite an improvement and when you bear in mind that back in 2012 I was on gardening leave and able to prepare for the swim perfectly and in 2013 I had been at work from 8.30 till 7 it really hammers home the improvement. The other difference was in how I felt afterwards. In 2012 swimming any further was nigh on impossible whereas now I could go further. I don’t know if I can take another 12 minutes off in the next year but I’m sure I can improve to sub 30 minutes.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 5th of March.

John Harrington

Hi Nigel

Just to thank you and the team (particularly Richard) for yesterday’s session

I sat down last night to make a list of things where I can improve – but a sheet of foolscap was hardly big enough! And I haven’t watched the scary DVD yet!

However, for the first time in a long time I was really enthusiastic about going to the pool this morning and lo and behold instant results. Without trying overly hard my 100 was 4 seconds faster than I have been swimming recently. I even managed several lengths without my security blanket aka pullbuoy. I am sure that this improved time and my visit to you are not coincidental!

So, lots to work on, but lots of encouragement. PB’s at 64 – why not?!

I shall spread the word and hope to encourage a few of my fellow pool users to make the journey north. In any event I shall book another visit to you in a few months.


John Harrington

Andy Griffin Triathlete

Hitting a performance plateau some 4+ years ago and in an attempt to improve, I’ve attended weekend training sessions with a past Olympic champion, a coach with more than his fair share of elite triathletes, as well as video analysis sessions with three ‘220’ coaches of the year and an international triathlon swim coach. All these sessions were informative but did not unlock my potential (measured by efficacy and speed) which I know I have. Swim Therapy was my last throw of the swim improvement dice.

The Swim Therapy session was very professionally done, and for me the best in my experience. While it did not highlight anything significantly new regarding analysis of my stroke, what worked really well for me was the approach, which included instant feedback, gaining the ‘feel’ of what’s right, and my personal DVD having excellent commentary.

I record all my swim sessions with a Pool-Mate Pro so I have objective data to compare my performance before and after my Swim Therapy session. With my swim motivation reignited, I hit the pool over the Christmas break almost daily, once twice in one day (never done before), and focused on the drills preceded; I was able to replicated the ‘feeling’ I gained during my session. Within two weeks I was swimming consistently with greater efficiency and speed at a lower rate of perceived effort. Still quite a bit more to be done so I’m expecting much more improvement

I’ll be a regular visitor to Swim Therapy (already booked my next session) and have no hesitation in recommending to friends committed to improving their stroke technique.

Alice – Worcestershire

Hi Swim Therapy,
Following Alice’s session on the the 13th with Matt, she just wanted to let you know that she knocked an amazing six seconds off her PB for the 200m breaststroke, gaining a club championship record and a regional qualifying time; she’s also managed to get a county time in her 400m freestyle. Needless to say, she is delighted with her improvement especially as she feels she is only just beginning to use the techniques she was taught.
Many thanks,

North Lancs Association – Coaches course at SwimTherapy

REF: Swim Therapy training course for Harry Murphy (North Lancashire Inter association vice captain) & Ian Murphy(Father).

Firstly may I ask you to thank all the committee members for this first class opportunity, both Harry and myself fully enjoyed the experience.
The coaching that Matt & Nigel delivered from Swim therapy was first class, they based the training skills at all levels and involved the swimmers in every aspect of the day.

The atmosphere was relaxed and the content very informative, I noticed many of the coaches making notes, and comments like ‘well I’ll be using that next week’ was common.

Overall the day was a success in my eyes, great training for the coaches, the swimmers (guinea pigs) had a great opportunity to improve their strokes, a chance for coaches from the region to mix and discuss issues, the lunch provided was excellent, refreshments readily available all day, and everyone left with a buzz.

Harry can’t wait to see the DVD once they are released from Swim Therapy.

Once again thank you very much, and I only hope that this can continue for others to have this opportunity.



India Adams – Beverley Barracudas – Re Swim Camp

Hello Nigel,

Thank you very much for the swim camp coaching. Once again India had a fantastic time and learnt a great deal. The sessions are so informative and well planned and all of the group seemed to enjoy the challenges set! She’s talking about the next visit already! Seren also really appreciated the one to one you gave her and is desperate to be quick enough to join in next year once she’s 10. Both girls swam well at the meet on Sunday. India took 4 seconds off her 100m freestyle time (now able to swim at the Yorkshire champs) and Seren managed to beat her 50m backstroke PB by 3 and a half seconds and this got her the Yorkshire time! Seren is now swimming 50m back and breast and 100m IM at the Yorkshire winter champs and is very proud!

Thanks again and hope to see you soon,

Sophie Simpson Sevenoaks SC

Dear Swim Therapy,

Just a quick e mail to Say thank you very much for our session with Steve on Friday, Sophie Thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and it has definitely got her thinking, we swam in a end of season Gala on Saturday and got a half second PB which got us within 0.33 of our Kent time for the 100m Breast stroke, she employed some of the techniques which you went over, and whilst there is still a lot of practising to do, we both feel that a change was needed and has already paid dividends, with a lot more potential on display, it was unfortunate that we did not cover pace, ( a must for the next time we visit) as she left it a little late on the final length to accelerate. Coming from 5th to 3rd, with only .25 of a second behind the 2nd placed competitor who had a 2 metre lead on the final length.
She also made an outstanding improvement on her butterfly, knocking a staggering 8 seconds off her 100m time.

Many thanks again,
Sophie & Susan Simpson

Matthew Bulow West Lothian SC

Thanks again for a great session at the weekend, Matthew loved it, and can’t wait to get into the pool to start changing his habits!!  see you again in September,

Laura and Mark Bulow.

India Adams – Swimcamp – Easter 2011

Thanks again for the Easter camp. India has really been trying to focus on the drills you taught within training. I shall be booking a tank session for her.
The swim sessions were so informative. India learnt so much and the fact that there were individual target times and that you understood all of the children so well meant that they all gave their best shot at everything. All the children who took part were friendly and good fun which added to India’s enjoyment. Your firm but fun approach was spot on and India came away full of what she learnt and really ready to put it all into practise at Barracudas. She talks through each of her targets on the way to each training session! Thanks again for a great week.

Nigel’s Comments: High praise indeed! Really great bunch of kids in the pool over Easter, I thoroughly enjoyed taking them.

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