What others are saying

Brother & Sister – Swimcamp Easter 2011

Hi Nigel

I just wanted to say a big thank you for the last weeks training, I know as always the children really enjoyed the sessions and the day out with the other swimmers on the jet ski was the icing on the cake!

On leaving you we went on to compete at a local competition where our son finally got his arm speed going and finish sorted and achieved that elusive 100 backstroke regional time, he took off 4 seconds from his 100 breaststroke time and 20 seconds off his 400 freestyle time.
But more importantly after months of low moral and poor swims you managed to get his head clear of doubts and focused again.

Our daughter also went on to achieve good pb’s, several county times but even better than that her strokes were considerably improved, I know she can’t wait to visit you again.

So a big thank you, I now have two refreshed, highly motivated swimmers again looking forward to competing.

Many Thanks

Nigel’s comments: Great feedback thanks……for those reading this, the Jet Ski is not part of the camp, Sorry!

Swimcamp Feedback

Hi Swim Therapy

We just wanted to say how much our children enjoyed a week of training with you. It was their first time at the camp so they were a little apprehensive but after the first day they were fine. We felt Nigel was great with the children and the session plans were extremely well structured, informative, fun and catered for all levels.

Since the camp, both of our children have improved their swim times. Our daughter has took off 26 seconds and our son has took 15 seconds, so very happy children.
Swim Therapy is a superb camp and well worth a visit. We will definitely be going again!!

Thanks again Swim Therapy

Swimcamp Feedback – Jess Payne

Dear Nigel

This is a poem that I made for you. Thankyou for all the help you have given me.I really look forward to swimming in Devon next year.

My Poem

Swimming at stowfords is lots of fun,
Even though we don’t get much sun!

After morning training we go to the cafe,
We all sit together and have a good laugh.

We order our food when we get there at nine,
We sit there for ages it takes a long time.

When the food comes we eat it so fast,
Because we are glad we’ve got it at last.

After all the hard work Fridays are great,
We have the olympics with all our new mates.

Swimming with Nigel is the best,
He tries to help you to beat the rest.

From jessssss

Swimcamp feedback – Von Fintel family

The swim camp offered expertise on all aspects of swimming. The camp covers stroke breakdown, fitness development and skill acquisition. This coupled with the friendly atmosphere, and chance to meet swimmers from all counties offers a valuable, wealth of experience and support. The coach is approachable, supportive and ensures all ages get the most out of their experience within the camp developing knowledge of strokes and promoting fitness development throughout each session. There is regular consistent feedback to each swimmer and parent. An excellent way to consolidate the skills learnt within swim therapy sessions. .
We recommend this experience for all those who wish to develop and improve within the sport of swimming.

Swimcamp Feedback – Barby family

Bethany really enjoyed the swim camp again. This was her second visit and she cannot wait to go again, hopefully next Easter. Several people have commented on the improvement in Bethany’s strokes particularly her breast stroke which has always been her problem stroke. I would recommend the camp to any swimmer who is serious about wanting to improve but doesn’t mind hard work! But of course its not all hard work there is a good mix of fun too and also the chance to make new friends. Two of Bethany’s friends from *** Swim Club have expressed an interest in coming with us next year.


Swimcamp Feedback – Frost family

Robert thoroughly enjoyed his six sessions at Stowford, Devon. May be he’s not the best swimmer, but he gets a great deal more understanding of what makes him quicker in the water.

Nigel’s coaching skill and style certainly gets the most from every swimmers – and certainly more than the swimmer would initially believe possible.

Structured, disciplined, informative and fun – well done swim therapy!

Swimcamp Feedback – Wightman family

This was our second time at the camp, we find it very well structured, Nigel is able to bring the lessons over at all levels, the kids really enjoy it. Thanks,

Diane & Dom Wightman

Swimcamp Feedback

Chloe and Hannah very much enjoyed the Swimtherapy training sessions in Devon with Nigel last month (August 2010) and have already talked about coming back again next year. The sessions were well structured and whilst they are demanding, with Nigel’s encouragement, the girls try to rise to the challenges he sets. The focus at the end of the session on technique is very good and I can see the girls taking what they have learnt back into their club sessions. After 5 hard days of training, the Olympics competition on the final day is a bit of light relief which they really enjoy, especially if they win!

Swimcamp feedback

Dear Swim Therapy we just wanted to say how much the children enjoyed their training with you this week. Although the sets were tough at the start of each session the children knew they were fair and enjoyed being pushed. They have both benefited a great deal from the technique sets they undertook in the latter part of each session and the coaching has greatly increased their understanding of the drills used in training and why they are undertaken.
The advice they were given was excellent and they will hopefully be a little more focused, we could visibly see our younger daughters style improve over the week when she was made to think about each stroke in detail.The coach was great and so were all the kids, the location was superb and breakfast afterwards even better, we will definitely be going again!! many thanks!!”

David Whittaker – Triathlete


Just wanted to say thanks for your help with my swimming. Having just set another 1500m PB I thought it only right to give some feedback on the genuine impact of Swim Therapy on an ordinary 38 year old age group triathlete.

My swimming is entirely self taught and until recently my 1500m PB was 25:30 (achieved 6 years ago and completed in a state of near exhaustion that would have rendered completion of a triathlon impossible). In the last 2 years my best has been 26:30 in Jan 2010.

On 25 Feb 2010 I visited Swim Therapy for a 90 min session at which time you identified amongst my (many) faults – hip position/leg drag, head position/movement and a massive crossover in my freestyle arm stroke.

I can’t claim to have addressed all my issues but took this analysis away and stopped my long sessions altogether for about 6 weeks, concentrating on stroke, drills and shorter repeat sets.

Result – Since mid Apr, I still only swim 3 sessions a week for no more than 30-45 mins but when I do allow myself a 1500m time trial, I am now hitting sub 24:40 every time and have a new PB of 24:13. Even on my PB I felt easy, long and fluid and could happily have continued a triathlon afterwards. I now have my sights set on slowly cruising to sub 24 mins!

I simply cannot stress enough the benefit of the wisdom and analysis I received to open my eyes to what I was doing, allowing me to address these faults rather than just train harder.

Best money spent on sport in years!


Dave – Triathlete

Alex & Dani Lima Milton Keynes SC

Hi Nigel,
Both Alex and Daniella thoroughly enjoyed the Easter Swimcamp, an excellent mix of both technical tips and hard work, with a bit of fun thrown in for good measure.

Fantastic, thank you for everything. See you again.

Alex and Dani Lima (CMKSC)

James Bell – Enderby SC


A quick message for matt, James got his midlands time on his 200im and a personal best on his breaststroke by over three seconds.

I know its not a quick fix, but just one or two minor adjustments that he has remembered to do from your coaching session has helped him immensely this weekend, i know he will keep on watching the dvd and hopefully will only get better and better.

Many thanks

Phil Bell

Abigail & Sam Watson – Mansfield SC (Swim Camp)


Many thanks for coaching the kids the other week, they thoroughly enjoyed it. Whilst taking in some of the techniques will take some time and thinking about for them, the immediate results at Rugby Open, a week after the camp, was 6 second PB for Abigail on 200FR and for Sam a 2.5 sec PB on 200BR and a 1.5 Sec PB on 100FR. Particularly for Sam these represent massive milestones as in the past he has gone months without PBing, and yet this last weekend we get four in total.

We will definitely back.



William 9yr old (Swim Camp)

Hi Nigel,
thank-you for the week, with William being a very young swimmer it was a great experience for him to swim with swimmers from other clubs, he enjoyed the week very much.
In our view, apart from being excellent value for money, the sessions had the right balance of technical teaching, endurance work and fun.

Kathryn L (Swim camp)

“My daughter had a great time at the easter swim camp. It has given her more confidence and definitely has increased her love for swimming! It was hard work but great fun at the same time and very different from what she was used to…which she loved!! The advice she was given was also spot on and will now, hopefully, give her something to focus on. The coach was great and so were the kids….will definitely be going again!! many thanks!!”

Alice Ball – Leicester Penguins (Swim camp)

Every day there was a great 2 hour training session with the last half hour being a technique set which was very good and I felt that I learnt a lot! The Olympics on the Friday was the most fun session as it was mainly races. Following the Tuesday night training getting up on the Wednesday for morning training was hard but well worth it, especially with Nigel- a fab coach! The site was good too apart from the weather!

Sarah Smith – Leamington Spa SC

On behalf of my daughter Sarah Smith and myself, we’d like to express our thanks to Steve Lay for the session Sarah had with him on Wednesday 3rd March 2010. Sarah competed at the Warwickshires on Saturday and came away with a silver for the 100m Fly in a new long course pb. She was extremely close to her short course pb, so we are hopeful of a good time when she is next competing in a 25m pool. Not only did you help with improving her technique, but I felt she came away with a new feeling of confidence in her capabilities as a swimmer, which showed in her performance on Saturday.

One again our sincere thanks.

Sarah Smith
Leamington Swimming Club
And her mum.

Cris Swinhoe – Triathlete Barnsley

Dear Steve,

Thanks very much for the session yesterday and all the help and advice. It was all very very useful and I have lots to practice. It was an excellent 2 hours and your coaching technique was brilliant.

Best wishes. Hope to see you again sometime, when I hope you will see some improvement!!

Cris Swinhoe

Ben & James Friel – Swimmers New Zealand


Ben Friel aged 11 and James aged 8 really enjoyed their coaching with Matt , We live in Nz so wont be back for a while but it was well worth it .

Both boys look a lot stronger in the lessons they are in and James has moved up a group .They only swim once a week but do lots of other sports .Although James is only eight he seemed to have taken it all in,breathing , body position and keeping stomach in.

Ben has improved in both Breaststroke and freestyle.

Thanks again Matt

Ben and James Friel nz

Andy & Joanna – Kingswood Tri


We would like to say thank to Steve for the excellent session at swim therapy last Friday.

Being relative beginners we knew there would be plenty of areas to be improved. Steve was really encouraging throughout both our sessions and left us feeling enthusiastic and that improvements are just around the corner. The drills and advice on the DVD were excellent; we are already chipping away at our best times.

I’m sure we will be back again in the near future.

Andy and Joanna

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