What others are saying

Mark Hesk – Triathlete Worcester


The session was literally ‘eye opening’………..great value for money…………… I now know what I need to do to improve.

Kind Regards

Mark Hesk

Sam Holmshaw – Eckington SC Sheffield

1) Position of Venue – superb, extremely easy to find from the motorway links

2) Site & equipment – First Class training pool with impressive camera equipment and computer technology for recording the swimmer from all angles.

3) Staff

Owner/Reception – nice chap, very knowledgeable and clearly swimming and helping swimmers is his life’s passion

Coach – Superb young man, very amiable, positive and able and adept at:

1) Identifying the problems and areas of improvement for the swimmer
2) Engaging the swimmer to explain new concepts and improvements
3) Explaining the concept and improvements to the level of understanding of the swimmer
4) Encouraging the swimmer to try the improvements and rewarding the swimmer on successful completion of the concepts
5) Providing a concise understandable commentary on the DVD of the session.

All in all, an extremely enjoyable way to spend a Saturday afternoon and extremely good value for money service.

So impressive that we have booked a further session for our son”.

Adrian Gill – Triathlete Buckinghamshire

“I spent several years teaching myself to swim better from a text book. Ultimately I was wasting my time for two reasons: firstly because I couldn’t interpret exactly what the text book meant and secondly because I had no idea what I looked like in the water. Unsurprisingly my swim times were not improving.

I go to Swimtherapy every 6 weeks or so. Instant feedback from the pool cameras allow Nigel to break down my stroke and show me exactly where I am going right (occasionally) and wrong (mostly). I cannot imagine how much more difficult it would be to learn without this feedback. As a result of my sessions with Swimtherapy, my swimming is faster and takes less effort.”

Alexander Robertson Age 11 Borough of Kirklees SC West Yorkshire

The session on Tuesday had a great impact on Alexander, so much so, the following night in his squad session he moved from
middle of the lane to the top. All this was achieved by applying by
the techniques he learnt the night before – an amazing result. We’re
really pleased with the extra confidence it has given Alexander and
can’t wait to his next session at the end of March.

Reply: we can only guide you, your improvement is down to your understanding and application, so well done Alexander!

Dee Brown Leamington Spa SC

Our Daughter attended swim therapy with Matt on Saturday 14th Feb 09 ,We as parents were very pleased with Deanne”s professional coaching with Matt ,Deanne gained more confidence in herself improving in her Butterfly and Backstroke technique to the point of her being able to see for herself the instant improvement of all her strokes in a 90minutes session, Our Daughter who has ADHD gained so much more confidence in herself after the session and after entering her first competition on the Sunday after she improved and beat her personal bests in all strokes , please pass on our thanks to Matt from us as parents and from Deanne , Deanne looks forward to coming back in six weeks time.

Thanks for the feedback guys, hope Dee keeps improving. Regards Nigel Kube Head Coach

Jasmin Kirk – Scunthorpe Anchor Swimming Club

Just Wanted To Say Thank You.
I’ve Been Training Three Times Since My Session & Feel Like I’ve Improved Already!
Been Working Extra Hard On Keeping My Breathing To Both Sides As Well As Dropping My ‘Paddle’ Before My Elbow
I’ve Been Keeping My Head Central As My Number One Priority On Back,
Then Working On My Rotation And Dropping My Arms To The Deeper Water.
Still Feel Like An Idiot Going To ‘Three o’clock’ But Listening To Feedback It’s Mostly In Line With My Shoulders
I Reallyyyyy Enjoyed My Session And Can’t Wait To Come Back Next Time.THANK YOU!
Jasmin Kirk,.

Louise Bennett – Triathlete

The session was fantastic. Many thanks to Jack as he made me feel very positive about my new challenge, when I’m quite sure it must have been difficult to find positive things to mention at times!
I can’t wait to get in the pool tomorrow and try out the drills.

Many thanks


Lauren Shaw – Solihull SC West Mids

Jack / Nigel

Lauren thoroughly enjoyed her 90 minute session on Fly and Breast last Wed 15th October.

She now says her breast stroke no longer feels “rough” in the water and at Friday’s training session remembered to keep here eyes down and lower her arms. From poolside her glide looked longer and smoother and she looked more streamlined in the stroke overall.

She didn’t get much opportunity to put into practice the butterfly changes in training but she did try the above water clap and lowered her chin. She said she is going to work on this again during Sunday’s training session.

She is already asking when she can return to do backstroke and front crawl!!

We believe this was money well spent!

Julie & Lauren Shaw

Adam – Nottingham


I’m sure you get many emails like this but Adam would like to say thanks – this weekend at Club Champs he has knocked 11 seconds of 200 free and 33 seconds of 400 free, so is now well inside a county time for his 400 free which was one of his XXXXXXXX targets. See you on 8th November.

Kind Regards


Oscar Perry – Wantage White Horses SC OXON


Oscar received his DVD today, and whilst he is still at school I’ve had a look. Its fantastic.

He absolutely loved the session with you, its the first time he’s done anything so special and came home so excited. He told me he seems much faster already at breaststroke and is putting into practice all you told him. The dvd is just perfect, it is pitched perfectly at his 10 yr old level [with loads of great encouragement] and will serve as a great reminder of all the points you raised, for the months to come.

I want to thank you so much for a memorable morning and Oscar will definitely be back to see you again.

Kind Regards

Lucy Perry

Aiden Page City of Coventry

Aiden has recently attended his second Swim Therapy session, this time with Matt. The first session was a great success and Aiden’s session with Matt certainly lived up to expectations. Matt immediately pin-pointed various ways that Aiden could improve on the efficiency of his freestyle. The phrase, “the camera never lies”, comes to mind. Aiden was able to actually see, from all angles how he swims, not how he thinks he swims. Matt worked with Aiden on each separate issue and then brought it all together. At all times Matt was patient and took the time to explain why. Aiden has the full support of his club and now has many specific drills to work on in training, more importantly, he now knows why he is doing them and what he is trying to achieve. The DVD’s have played an important part for Aiden. With a few weeks between sessions, he has been able to revisit a DVD and thus been able to stay on track. Thanks Matt

Matt & Grace Calver – Great Yarmouth

Our children Matthew (9) and Grace (13) recently had a session with Matt Thomas. Matt explained, in easy to understand terms, what the critical areas of their strokes which required correction were and which drills should be used to achieve this. The time flew by and he proved to each of them that they were both very capable of great improvement. We will cetainly be back again to ensure the improvement that can be seen is achieved and then improved upon.

Lowestoft & Oulton Broad SC

Nathan Harkin – SN7

The 90 minute session Nathan had with Matt was excellent. Nathan wanted to improve his freestyle and fly and within 5 minutes Matt had identified key areas for Nathan to focus on. After an hour of drills, Nathan really felt the benefit, encouraged at all times by Matt’s comments and relaxed style. The DVD of excerpts of the session with Matt’s commentary is a great resource and Nathan will use it to remind himself of stroke improvement ideas he can practice in training. We’ll be back in 2009!

Best regards, Shaun

Name Supplied – Area Hornchurch Essex

can only say good things about (name supplied)’s two sessions at swimtherapy. We were very impressed with the whole set up but mostly with matt and his expert eye and how he was able to spot the “problem areas” and with simple instruction able to point (name supplied) in the right direction. She has started to put these into action and already feels there is an improvement in her stroke.

We will come back in a few months time and see whether you guys also think this

Nik Spears Aged 14 Watford SC

Hi Nigel,
We had a good session with Matt. He started by concentrating where Nik had a problem. Matt was able to identify what the cause might be and showed Nik how to adjust his stroke to remedy this. Then Matt went on to look at Nik’s overall style. There seem to be many areas that need tweeking, his angle of breathing, rotation of his hips, movement of his head and more frquent kicking.
I would find it hard to concentrate on so many areas but Nik has been trying to put it into practice. This works until he’s tired in the training sessions and then old habits come back. His shoulder does not hurt while he does the 400 sections but by the 800 kicks sectionit’s not so good. Given that the club has just finished its summer break and so there has been a rest for his shoulder, we must see how it holds out and then decide if any physio. is necessary. Matt suggested if we went down that road, to take the CD and show it. This seems a sensible step to take but I feel the correction to the stroke may prevent the injury recurring.
Please pass on our thanks to Matt for all the useful and knowledgeable directions he gave Nik. It was a most useful session and one Nik can use throughout his training sessions.
Thanks, Gill Spears.

Joshua Dunk – Thanet SC

Hi Nigel

My son Josh and I came along on 8th and 9th August for two sessions with Jack. What can I say – it was superb. Josh got a huge amount out of the sessions and we have been putting the coaching points into practice since then with excellent results.

I would be grateful if you would pass on my thanks to Jack – Josh really responded well to his teaching. We will definitely be back in the near future – hopefully I can arrange some dates during the school half term holiday in October. I have been giving out your flyers at our club and there is loads of interest so hopefully you will get some more visitors from Thanet.

Many thanks once again and we hope to see you again soon

Kind regards

Alison Dunk

Nicole Robinson Aged 10 City of Wakefield

Hi Nigel

I would just like to say a big THANK-YOU, as Nicole really enjoyed the session on Saturday with Jack. Jack was brilliant, he made the session fun and very easy to understand. We were amazed by what we learnt on the day and my only regret is that we have not visited you guys sooner.

Tomorrow night is squad session, therefore I will be handing out the leaflets and talking to the other parents about what we learnt and will advise them to book a session to see for themselves.

We will be coming back in October to ensure that Nicole has taken on board what Jack said to her and also to analyse the breast stroke.

Many thanks once again

Sharon Robinson

Heather Pfeiffer Age 11 City of Peterborough

Dear Nigel

We thought the session was very good and Matt certainly communicated well with Heather.

Heather certainly enjoyed it and said she had learned a lot. (Both parents did too.) When training starts up again in earnest at the start of September I will be able to see whether she has been able to retain the lessons learned and put them into practice. That’s where the CD should come in useful.

Would you like me to update you with progress in September?

Kindest regards


Robert Adams Age 12 Oakengates SC Shropshire

we would just like to say that yesterday, Robert had a great session with Matt and found it great help in identifying and improving his technique, and we would like to know if you have any 2 hr sessions available during the half term week the 27th to the 31st of October.

Ashley Fullard Masters Swimmer Calverton & Bingham

Hi Nigel,

My session with Matt was very good. He certainly had the technical knowledge and the ability to dissect my stroke and highlight the areas that needed attention. Matt’s Coaching abilities and clear instructions made it easy for me to understand how to break the stroke down into individual components and concentrate on improving each aspect of the stroke before bringing it all together. Matt also provided plenty of feedback on the DVD including information on drills that I could practice in my own time.



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