What others are saying

Nik Spears Aged 14 Watford SC

Hi Nigel,
We had a good session with Matt. He started by concentrating where Nik had a problem. Matt was able to identify what the cause might be and showed Nik how to adjust his stroke to remedy this. Then Matt went on to look at Nik’s overall style. There seem to be many areas that need tweeking, his angle of breathing, rotation of his hips, movement of his head and more frquent kicking.
I would find it hard to concentrate on so many areas but Nik has been trying to put it into practice. This works until he’s tired in the training sessions and then old habits come back. His shoulder does not hurt while he does the 400 sections but by the 800 kicks sectionit’s not so good. Given that the club has just finished its summer break and so there has been a rest for his shoulder, we must see how it holds out and then decide if any physio. is necessary. Matt suggested if we went down that road, to take the CD and show it. This seems a sensible step to take but I feel the correction to the stroke may prevent the injury recurring.
Please pass on our thanks to Matt for all the useful and knowledgeable directions he gave Nik. It was a most useful session and one Nik can use throughout his training sessions.
Thanks, Gill Spears.

Joshua Dunk – Thanet SC

Hi Nigel

My son Josh and I came along on 8th and 9th August for two sessions with Jack. What can I say – it was superb. Josh got a huge amount out of the sessions and we have been putting the coaching points into practice since then with excellent results.

I would be grateful if you would pass on my thanks to Jack – Josh really responded well to his teaching. We will definitely be back in the near future – hopefully I can arrange some dates during the school half term holiday in October. I have been giving out your flyers at our club and there is loads of interest so hopefully you will get some more visitors from Thanet.

Many thanks once again and we hope to see you again soon

Kind regards

Alison Dunk

Nicole Robinson Aged 10 City of Wakefield

Hi Nigel

I would just like to say a big THANK-YOU, as Nicole really enjoyed the session on Saturday with Jack. Jack was brilliant, he made the session fun and very easy to understand. We were amazed by what we learnt on the day and my only regret is that we have not visited you guys sooner.

Tomorrow night is squad session, therefore I will be handing out the leaflets and talking to the other parents about what we learnt and will advise them to book a session to see for themselves.

We will be coming back in October to ensure that Nicole has taken on board what Jack said to her and also to analyse the breast stroke.

Many thanks once again

Sharon Robinson

Heather Pfeiffer Age 11 City of Peterborough

Dear Nigel

We thought the session was very good and Matt certainly communicated well with Heather.

Heather certainly enjoyed it and said she had learned a lot. (Both parents did too.) When training starts up again in earnest at the start of September I will be able to see whether she has been able to retain the lessons learned and put them into practice. That’s where the CD should come in useful.

Would you like me to update you with progress in September?

Kindest regards


Robert Adams Age 12 Oakengates SC Shropshire

we would just like to say that yesterday, Robert had a great session with Matt and found it great help in identifying and improving his technique, and we would like to know if you have any 2 hr sessions available during the half term week the 27th to the 31st of October.

Ashley Fullard Masters Swimmer Calverton & Bingham

Hi Nigel,

My session with Matt was very good. He certainly had the technical knowledge and the ability to dissect my stroke and highlight the areas that needed attention. Matt’s Coaching abilities and clear instructions made it easy for me to understand how to break the stroke down into individual components and concentrate on improving each aspect of the stroke before bringing it all together. Matt also provided plenty of feedback on the DVD including information on drills that I could practice in my own time.



Beth Wilcox – City of Salford

The recent swim session with Matt went really well. He was very encouraging & gave Beth clear areas to work on. He created a relaxed atmosphere, which in turn helped Beth’s confidence & she was able to contribute more to today’s session because of it.

The CD voice over quality was not as good as the first session, as it was in places difficult to here some of the comments. But that is the only negative comment from today’s session.

Although Matt is new to SwimTherapy it does not show he came across very professional.

Bernie Wilcox

Coaches comment: We will make sure that the next CD is the best!

Lorain McCann – Chester Tri


I am delighted to report that I was very happy indeed with the coaching session I had with Matt.

I thought he had a very good coaching technique for the following reasons:

He asked a lot of questions about what I thought I was doing and actually listened to the answers. This forced me to think about what I was experiencing in my swim technique.

He raised my awareness about what I was doing and made me identify what I was trying to achieve.

He managed the timing well by ensuring we did enough on each area but kept us moving forward to identify the next target area for improvement.

He helped me priorities the areas I should work on to get the maximum benefit.

He was very competent with the video software and used it well to illustrate points, without it becoming a distraction or dominating the session.

His general manner was confident, competent and relaxed.

I will happily recommend SwimTherapy to club members and friends who are interested in this type of swim coaching

Saffron Salih Age 12 Dartford SC

Hi Swim Therapy,
When I had a session with Matt he was great, he helped me so much and my stroke has improved in leaps and bounds! Not only has my stroke improved ,my times have also. My coaches really see the difference.
Matt is a great coach and he really explains him-self so I can really understand what he is talking about, why he is saying it, why we have to change it and how it helps me go faster. I have been to swim therapy before and all of my visits were great. I would definitely go back to swim therapy all through my life. Thank you so much Swim Therapy.

Stephanie Pepper – COSACSS Staffs

Just to a note to say thank you. Stephanie attended Swim Therapy on the 3rd July 2008 and was greeted by Jack, who put her very quickly at ease. She found the whole experience Fab! She thought Jack was cool

Jack was very professional and quickly got Stephanie relaxed and talking and thinking about her stroke. We decided to dedicate the session to butterfly, Stephanie quickly got to grips with the exercises and took on board the techniques pointers, in a very short time you could see a vast improvement. We also took advantage of the DVD with Jacks voice over pointing out the faults and giving tips on techniques etc. This serves as a constant reminder and is a great confidence booster.

Stephanie swam in the Club Championships on the 13&14th July and knocked 19 seconds off her 200im she PB in all her races and in particular her fly, she was simply amazing and knocked seconds off her pbs in the 50 & 100 & 200m she now looks like a professional and its all that’s to Jack & Nigel @ Swim therapy. Keep up the good work. We will be coming back.


Deb Pepper

Anish – Milton Keynes

Thanks hugely for your professional and tailored advice given during a very valuable 1 hour coaching session! I came to you because I wanted to improve my technique. I have to say, I have put the lessons learned in the “endless pool” into action immediately and I can already see the results in terms of reduced tiredness and increased speed. I will certainly be coming along again.


Mary Hodgson Lancaster Swimming Club

Excellent session for my daughter Mary with Jack on Friday – apart from being very motivational he taught us both a lot. Mary took 2 seconds off her 100F/C time on Sunday – so I guess that’s proof it worked!

Jennie Hodgson

Ailis Brosnan – Ireland

“The swim therapy experience was great from start to finish. Spurred on by the many good reports we had heard about Swim Therapy, my husband and I made the trip from Ireland and both felt it was a very worthwhile day. I was amazed at how my perception of how I swam was so different the stark (and often embarrassing!) reality of the video. It has given me a more grounded sense of my stroke and what I need to work on to improve. The sessions my husband and I had were very different which highlighted the very individual and specific approach taken by Nigel. We both intend to return in the next couple of months to build on what we have learnt and hopefully continue to improve.” Posted 4th April 2008

Paul Sefton – Coach Satellite SC Macclesfield

Just wanted to thank you for a great session today as a coach for 15 years it is very refreshing to be able to have access to such a facility.
From my point of view it was a valauble 90mins session focussing on some key areas of Chelsea’s stroke on FR and FLY, the key to the whole session was that Chelsea could see this for herself what she was doing in the water and understand from viewing on the large screen straightaway what aspects of the stroke needed attention, instant feedback.
The introduction of correct drills during the session were at the right intensity and executed to a good standard but leaving Chelsea with that thought “What I need to focus on in training back at the club”..
Chelsea has got some valuable footage on the CD of the session which we will use as a reference point to develop her stroke. It would be good to revisit.

Congratulations on a top setup, only wish you were 20mins down the road. Well worth making the effort to come over to Leicester (1hr 35mins away) and look forward to working with you again very soon.

Thanks again for memorable afternoon, already looking forward to my next visit.

Paul Sefton
Chelsea’s Coach

Satellite SC

Sandeep Kaur – Enderby Swimming Club

Hello Nigel and Jack,

Following my recent Swim Therapy session I would like to forward the following comments.

I’d like to thank both Nigel and Jack for their support during the session. The facilities are absolutely first class, the electronic digital photographic equipment is nothing short of brilliant. The teaching technique is easy to understand and the instructions given easy to implement.

The instructors are clearly passionate about their job and this is reflected in their attitude and also the expense which must have gone into building such a brilliant facility.

I have implemented all the drills which were suggested to me and already my stroke has shown improvement.The session CD which I received has proved to be essential when I need to remind myself of my session.
I look forward to visiting once again to improve one of my other strokes.

Thanks once again for all your help..
Sandeep Kaur.

Jonathan Simpson – Triathlete

My first hour long session taught me that I have a lot to learn in order to make some significant progress. Nigel was very professional in the way that he delivered the session and was not patronizing in any way. The playback and discussion around the video sessions are of real value. The dvd I have come away with is a great reminder of the technique that we discussed and that I have subsequently to put into action. A very interesting and I am sure, rewarding session. Thank you

Rebecca Sherren Stratford Sharks

I found the session really useful as it made me think about what I should be doing to maximise my stroke. I had never thought about the ”science” of it until the coach at swim therapy, Jack, began to talk about it. The use of the underwater cameras was such a benefit as what you think your doing may not necessarily be the case! With the coaching I received, I could even see a small difference by the end of the session. The facilities were great and the DVD I have of the session ensures that I can keep reminding myself of my aims. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and will be booking another session in the near future.

Rebecca Sherren
Stratford Sharks ASC, Warwickshire

Tom Tonge Market Harborough SC

Excellent session, Tom thoroughly enjoyed the experience, he has learnt a great deal about how his technique should be and is keen to put it into practice. Coach, Jack was completely on his level, explained clearly both verbally and with the use of the cameras. PC disc of the session with voiceover is great to reinforce all he learnt and interesting to watch.

Thanks, will definitely book another session and would highly recommend.

Zoe & Amy Stewart Watford SC

Hi Nigel

Just a quick note to let you know that the girls are doing well with their technique and have recently improved on their times.

Note from Zoe aged 13yrs:-

After the swim tank I have concentrated on my technique in front crawl and took in all your advice. Since then I have improved from a 1.06 to a 1.05 then 1 week later to a 1.04 for my 100m free. In my 200m free I took 5 seconds off my time, and in my 400m free I took 17seconds off my time and I really enjoyed the race. I really enjoyed visiting the swim tank and finding out what I needed to do to get better and it clearly shows I have listened and from that I have improved. Looking forward to my next visit to work on my backstroke.

See you soon


Note from Amy aged 14ys:-

Following my trip to the swim tank I have kept working hard with my front crawl technique. I never realized how poor my technique actually was and from watching the DVD I now have a better understanding of what I have to do to keep it right. Having the DVD to refer back to once in a while really helps so I can keep adjusting the faults with my stroke. Since the swim tank I have improved in front crawl with a 12 second PB in my 400m, 8 second PB in 200m and 1 1/2 second PB in 100m. I really enjoyed my visit a lot and I’m very excited to go back. I do recommend it to anyone who is serious about improving.
– Amy

Jordan Strathon – Lincoln Pentaqua

Jordan has gained a clearer understanding of his strokes and how to improve, the value of the video playback is not to be underestimated. The simple drills and teaching points given were easy to understand and implement, so all Jordan has to do now is persist in his practice. The extra copy DVD for our Coach means that he can see what has been said and also benefit from the video to assist in continuing Jordan’s progress and Jordan has his own copy to remind him in the future.

Jordan is keen to improve and we believe that with the knowledge he has gained from his session with you and his persistence, he will improve his strokes to the desired level. He has made a good start implementing the changes, making a determined effort to practice the points raised at every opportunity.

Thank you.

Ben, Caroline and Jordan

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