Jakob Baker – Halesowen SC 22nd April 2013
I would like to comment on the technology and great coaching techniques that Swimtherapy have to offer, combined with a good patient coach it really can improve your swimming technique. Being able to see your stroke technique from above, side and below allows you to see every tiny error with your stroke therefore you can refine your technique just like finely tuning a performance car, after all every competitive swimmer is seeking performance in the pool else what is the point of putting all of that pool time in for !! It may seem quite expensive at first but once you start seeing the results it’s well worth it. My son is now only 12 years old and we have seen massive improvements obviously combined with his club training which is not to be missed out as this is where you put the practice in from what you have seen and learned, as perfect practice makes perfect. I have taken my son several times now and will continue to take him on regular intervals for as long as he swims competitively. I more than recommend the Swimthereapy sessions to any competitive swimmer. Please take note that if you book off peak times it does work out cheaper and once you are on their mailing list you do get offers sent which combined with off peak times can come as a bargain, but you have to be quick to book as the places go rather quickly, missed out on quite a few myself for being a bit slow to reply..
Regards Karl.