Sally & David Murray – Triathletes
Hello Nigel,
We thought our individual sessions with Jack were excellent.
Having our usual technique filmed at the start of the session was a good starting point, and as we have never done this before we were able to see exactly where we are going wrong!
Jack worked through specific areas methodically (legs/arms/breathing) and we could see a visible improvement by the end of the session (Sally 90 mins/ David 60 mins).
Jack was encouraging throughout and Sally took on board his ‘mind over matter’ comment – during the first session back in the pool she swam 10 x 100m breathing bilaterally, which is considerably more than prior to the Swim Therapy session (despite swimming 2,500m per session, the breathing was never bilaterally).
One comment from Dave, who competes regularly, is that he should have attended Swim Therapy session at the end of last season, as part of winter training, rather than Spring, as it will take some time to improve his techinique ahead of this season.
The DVD serves as a handy reminder to use before a training session – it’s commentary is clear and encouraging.
Thank you for the tip on the ‘superman’ drill.
Best Wishes,
Sally and David Murray